Raising an undead army, casting fiery infernos, slashing swords around and covering the world in blood. Yup, Diablo is back! As someone who did enjoy the linearity of Diablo III, I was slightly sceptical about the open-world aspect. But damn the amount of content thrown into this game is enormous! Five expansive regions, side quests, stat increasing statues, optional dungeons, cellars, strongholds, PVP hell fields, world bosses, events...it just keeps going and going and going. Despite the gameplay loop remaining unchanged, it's still addictive as ever (you can't deny it!). Decimating a crowd of enemies, changing armour for slight increased stats and collecting all the remaining gold is just simplistically satisfying. The campaign slapped, decently paced with gorgeous cinematics...


...post-campaign is where the issues start to show up. The level scaling becomes aggressively obnoxious - being level 50 feels no stronger than being level 2. The loot less impressive. The side quests repetitive. The mount's cooldown infuriating. The whole serotonin release from the progression just slows down to a halt.

So yeah, playing through the campaign was a blast, especially in co-op. The post-game clear-up though displays the cracks within Blizzard's hellish feast of carnage.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2023
