I really wanted to like this game and I think 3 stars still indicates a decent game.
The good : the music, the gorgeous art and the young GOAT warrior cook.
The meh : The battle system which starts off great and does somewhat entertain the entire game by forcing you to time your buttons but ultimately is very stale as most abilities remain the exact same the entire time.
I also add the puzzles here since I somewhat liked them at the start but it turned to just be so many different block puzzles and utilizing the sparse movement tools that you have to reach otherwise unreachable areas.
The bad : By god this story is awful outside of a couple cool moments.
The later parts are just littered with unexplained power-ups, a whole library of JRPG clichés and could in general be described as the most generic story ever written. Top it all off with a weirdly abrupt final boss and sudden ascension to godhood and voila you cook up a great mess.

All in all the overall level of enjoyment and cool designs of bosses and enemies does push the game up to 3 stars but for one of the games I was most hyped to finally play it was a pretty disappointment.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2023
