Of course, if you see any of the non-bootleg versions of games from this pack at a comparable price, get those instead. Even though this is a meme game, you'll still get a couple hours of fun playing it.

I'm going to reiterate that. If you see Enter the Gungeon, Ape Out, Hotline Miami, Downwell, or ANY of those games on sale for a comparable price to Devolver Bootleg... It's not even a question, you're gonna have a richer, and more enjoyable time playing "The Real Deal" than what 8 knock-off versions of games can amount to. No question.

It would be nice to be able to write, "Yeah! It's like a bunch of demo versions of the games! You'll know if you want to buy the full versions if you grab this." Nahhhh... You won't know, because some of them are such entirely different concepts that comparing them would feel disingenuous. There are SIMILAR gameplay elements, but for the most part, there is almost no direct connection. There are connections some games have to other older games though!

So why recommend it all? That's pretty simple: I bought it for under $3 bucks, and I got about 3 hours of time out of it. I also had fun playing it and unlocking all of the achievements. Blew some air out my nose in amusement. Sure it wasn't the most flushed-out experience, but sitting there on the couch, SteamDeck in hand, I can certainly say I enjoyed the meme for what it was, and in the end, I enjoyed supporting one of my favorite publishers in the process.

It's just one of those games I'm on the fence about. You're bound to find a better use for your money than this, even within the confines of Devolver's own catalog of games. But dang man. It's just funny to own this.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023
