Leaf Blower Revolution starts out really strong, with fun upgrades and novel game mechanics, but starts to take its toll when the progression comes to all but a complete stop.

I had high hopes with its somewhat Stardew Valley feeling charm, and was having an exceptional time in the early game with all the novel mechanics, and moving my finger around to manipulate the leaves to off-screen. Those initial first play sessions were really exciting, and I felt a true sense of progression, moving from one area to the next, or finally having enough for the next leaf upgrade, etc. I looked forward to logging on, collecting the resources, and maybe spending a few minutes doing some manual resource collecting to see if I could get some major boosts to my gains.

Well, then we hit the science portion of the game. Which is harmless enough, the game is teaching me about the converters and turning one resource into another and etc. But that's where progression for me completely stopped. The pace of this game slows down to a crawl.

Now I'm fine with that in my idle games typically. Usually what happens at that point in other games is you scrap your progress for some currency that helps you reach the point you were at quicker and then you're able to move on just fine. But I restarted the game, spent the "restart" currency annnnd... The game played the same, I got stuck at the same spot. I waited a bit longer... but I restarted again. Got stuck at the same spot. Restarted again... stuck at the same spot. Now, I was shortening the amount of time it takes to get to that spot but because of the way the science, BLC, and "restart" coins work, progression in those areas felt nearly identical to the first time I encountered them.

It would take a significant amount of restarts to obtain the resources in order to be able to continue playing the game, and at that point, I'm not sure I could trust it would give me enough upgrades to work through in order to make that grind a meaningful experience (in terms of idling). I'm already only logging on for 30 seconds at a time maybe once a day anyway at this point, and the magic of it all has kind of faded away...

I'm a fan of numbers going up, and idlers, but there's just a few choices in this game that make the idling not worth my time and mindless meandering, even though it's already making such a small footprint in my daily life. And that's after spending almost 8 hours manually in game.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2022
