I had high anticipations for this game. It even started off brilliantly but got worse and worse as you progressed. It became a rather boring play though and I couldn't have been more disappointed.


A pretty good installation to the Battlefield series. It was a rather entertaining game at first but quickly got repetitive and rather frustrating at the lack of diverse game modes in multiplayer in particular.
The multiplayer is engaging, although the modes are way too long and would benefit from having some shortened modes in there as well like free for all for example.
The story mode starts off well with an intriguing couple of characters and the missions were laid out well and it was enjoyable for the most part. Beyond the first episode though it got stale and they copied the format to a T on the second mission so much so that it was a carbon copy except for the characters being not as interesting. The third mission was just a frustrating trude through muddy warfare and repeat objectives to do along the way.

Rating - 5.7

A great introduction to next gen, also a great little platformer too. Shame it wasn't multiplayer as it felt like it really should have been. A lot of fun exploring the levels with the new controller and was delightful reminiscing about all the old consoles.

Rating - 8.3

Easily my personal favourite game. I have many a memories playing this with my brother as we grew up. It's replay ability along with the co-op is brilliantly gelled. Even today almost 2 decades after its release I still find the game to be one of the most enjoyable play through to date. I couldn't fault this game if I tried. It's just a full on Nostalgia fuel for me and it'd take some beating to be topped.

Rating - 10/10