The first time I played a xenoblade game, I was a measly 12 year old. At the time, I had never played a single JRPG and was largely against interacting with anything “anime” related. This adversity really came down to a stigma I had been exposed to early on: that anime stuff was for “nerds” and “weirdos”. My brother, though, didn’t really care about anything like that, and bought a game on its release that he thought looked pretty cool. A game named Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Despite my reservations, I gave his copy a shot, and I was immediately hooked. Say what you will about early game Xenoblade 2, but that shit was the coolest thing ever to my little 12 year old brain. As soon as I beat chapter 1 on his copy, I knew what had to be done. I got my own copy for christmas, and it quickly became my favorite game of all time.

Ever since then, this series has had an absolute grip on me. I have played every single game this series has to offer (I even dabbled in a bit of Xenosaga, though I’ve only played episode one), and now, mere days before my 18th birthday, the finale of this series that I have been a fan of for damn near a third of my life, finally arrived.

And I don’t think I could have asked for a better ending.

I think my biggest issue with Future Redeemed is that it doesn’t answer all of the questions we all had, and it actually ends up posing a few new ones, but in the grand scheme of things, I don’t really care. This shit blew my mind multiple times, and it wraps up the overarching Xenoblade narrative beautifully. I’m not even going to go more into it, because I don’t want to risk spoiling anyone. Plus, the new gameplay stuff introduced here is super fun to mess around with. I don’t know if it's just me, but I feel like they made bursts and smashes even more satisfying to pull off. Also, they made the community system good???? Somehow???? Fucking wizards, man.

Basically, all I'm trying to say is that this is the best send off to this series I could have asked for. It’s incredibly bittersweet, knowing that this story, this world, is over, but the fact that it happened at all, considering Takahashi’s previous attempts at creating a 6 chapter saga like this, is unbelievable. I’m incredibly grateful to Monolithsoft for making this amazing saga, and I cannot wait to see what they do next.

X2, please?

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023
