I have a complicated relationship with this game. I beat the whole thing in one run without resetting. I have no idea how this happened and it took a long time. So I do not know how the roguelike components work, but the gameplay was so good. The guns all felt good, movement was crisp, and the bosses were challenging. I wish I had a different experience but I loved what I played.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2024


4 months ago

Also, before you say I only got halfway, I did all six worlds ending that kinda boring underwater one. I then did all of the house sections to get the story.

4 months ago

I had a similar experience. Died once about 5 minutes in and after that went all the way to beating the third boss in a 7-hour session. It's a shame because I find the story/theme an intriguing marriage with the roguelike structure, and I didn't get to experience that. I actually felt I was doing the game a disservice and dropped it, intending to come back, delete my save data, and start over, hopefully with more failure, as odd as that seems.