SWAT 4: One of your objectives is always “Bring order to chaos.” 429 Adam, this is Central B.C.C.

I am biased towards SWAT 4 because I've played this game off-and-on for over a decade, now. I have many memories that'll always have me cherishing this game. GET DOWN ON THE GROUND, NOW! However, there's simply no denying this game is not without issues. In fact, they kinda run rampant.

You will die without any semblance of a fair fight, one shot to the head as soon as you peer around a corner by the world's best gunslingers. Your team's flashbang may do nothing to someone in the room (if they even listen and stack up on the door the first time you tell them to), so when they breach, they all run in and are gunned down by the same perp in a heartbeat. Reload checkpoint? Hilarious! SWAT 4 doesn't have any. If your team goes down and you want the backup/those points? You're starting the level over.
The game will simply throw away several levels' worth of progress on you and give you a fat middle finger about it. If you REALLY want to be sure it saves, you have to beat a level, close the game entirely, then reboot it up. Quitting to the main menu didn't save me. Unauthorized use of force: -5 points. Since the game did hard crash on me in only a few hours of playtime AND I got a bug where I got stuck during a level's intro and had to restart the whole application, this is wildly frustrating to see. Multiple levels gone, multiple times.
If you get shot in the leg, enjoy limping slow as shit for the rest of the level. Hope you're nearly done or are extremely patient, otherwise that's a restart.

But this game has fantastic highlights, too. Despite what a briefing may tell you (and this game gives you a comical amount of info before a level, like 9-1-1 calls you won't care about), you truly do not know what'll happen once you enter that first door. If you've played SWAT 4, all I need to say is “The Fairfax Residence” (and that's the second level!). Basically, expect curveballs galore. There's a fantastic use of sound in this game, the music choices are impeccable as you explore suburban nightmares. ZIP 'EM UP! Successfully clearing a room, you and your squad shouting at civvies and perps to get those hands up, dropping those who refuse and calling it all in, room-by-room? It can feel nice.

There's a mod called “SWAT 4 Elite Force” that adds many features to the game that should have been there. I believe it also fixed some issues. I haven't tried it but I think I'd like to some day.

I recommend SWAT 4. I think Ready or Not is basically the same game, though, if you're looking for something newer. That's on my list.
Don't tell your momma...
...she ain't got to know.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
