Returnal's tight gameplay loop is enough to keep you coming back until the end, though that ending will almost certainly disappoint if you were hoping for sensible closure.

Parts of Returnal are very well done: the textures and lighting effects in all of the varied level environments look great. Some enemies you fight have a dreamlike fluidity in their animations that accentuates how "alien" they are. Your visor splinters and cracks at low health and the music here can be beautiful yet haunting.

But there's not too many weapon choices, and some of them aren't viable (or at least sensible) at all. The pistol will be dropped as soon as possible and even when one is level 30, you'll ignore it every time. The Hollowseeker will do a bit of the aiming for you, but I've never found one that wasn't abnormally weak for its level. Weapons like the Dreadbound are unique and interesting, but why gamble with one when you know exactly what you're in for with the shotgun? None of these weapons have sound effects I really cared for, either, they were all just serviceable.

Returnal went for a plot that really reminds me of Signalis, and without spoiling either, I'll say I don't really like this choice. I actually think the style of how both told their stories was good, I enjoy how both games went into first person in important segments, creating a great juxtaposition. But as for the plot itself, not my cup of tea. Like Signalis, if you want as close to closure as you're going to get, you need to find its secret ending. Here, that requires potentially many more runs through all six levels until you find a fragment in each. I liked the gameplay when I was unlocking new stuff, loops for keys for a cutscene wasn't enticing me to stick around. I watched the secret ending on YouTube and I think I dodged a bullet, there.

I'm glad I tried Returnal and I think its gameplay is enough to keep you hooked (again, just like Signalis) to the "end", but probably not the actual end. Though I liked what felt like Hideo Kojima or David Lynch-inspired horror segments, I think the story was a bit of a disappointing dud. I still think if you like third person shooters, you should give this a try when you can nab it on sale.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023
