Saw: This sucks. Some okay puzzles spaced between ugly gameplay segments. If you're a HUGE fan of the “Saw” movies (which... come on, dude), you may like the world here as it's very similar to the films, including the obnoxious editing style. If you're anyone else, prepare for pain.

The jokes of “Playing this is like one of Jigsaw's games!” write themselves as this game is plenty torturous. I got through the first chapter and decided I'd had enough of this. Some of the puzzles were decent: I thought the “board balance-walk” stuff with the mouse was well done, the lockpicking system was unique, and the “finale” with the poison machine was a good way to cap it off.

The problem is everything else.

It's pretty ugly (though there's an easy argument for “A game in the Saw universe is supposed to be ugly", I guess) and plays like an iPhone game. I got to engage in the combat only once and that felt like a blessing. There's glass for you to walk in and slowly lose health, but it's not much health and you immediately slow down so you can walk right out of it, barely suffering at all. It just feels like a minor contrivance that doesn't even make sense: you pass so many dead bodies yet none of them have Detective Tapp's shoe size? Tapp must wear size 19s.

I experienced a ton of stuttering and I don't know why as there are Tetris games more graphically demanding than Saw. The controls are terrible and can interrupt your enjoyment of the mediocre puzzles.

If there was a way to just press a key (I guess it would have to be a number key, those are used for everything, here) that would skip all of the shitty gameplay and get me right into the next bomb-filled puzzle room, I'd have played that game. This is just painful stuff as is and I don't need to ever come back.

Again, unless you're a huge Saw fan, this game is not for you.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
