This game had the potential to be fantastic, and it was still okay, but at the end of the day boiled down to a slightly prettier and less interesting version of the original.

Still has a terrible story, the gameplay is pretty good and they expanded on the options from the first game a decent bit but then 3/4 of the way through they put you in a city with the most repetitive environments possible and then give you a fucking glider so that getting around is as boring as possible.

If you just...don't use the glider, the interiors to every building look almost identical and the differing elevations for all of the buildings means that your options to path through them are limited, unless you glide up, then go on foot once you're up there.

The option to choose who you side with is on paper pretty neat, but in-game was annoying because it boiled down to facists vs nutters, so you end up just picking the one that gives you the coolest rewards.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2023
