Athenian Rhapsody is a fun experience that feels familiar but does stand on its own two feet. The battle system is definitely borrowed from Undertale but is a bit more colourful and boisterous. Going the pacifist route means the battle system is a series of mini-games where the character needs to avoid projectiles that get more ridiculous the further you get into the game.

Much of the enjoyment comes from the interactions between the player character and twelve friends that can be found throughout the world. The humour is cute and well written, though sometimes the toilet jokes come a little too often. Each friend has a neat back story and unique personality that leads to some fun hijinxs.

At the end of the day, there’s no way to avoid bringing up Undertale with all the similarities between the two. If you’ve never played the former, than the comparison is pointless since Athenian Rhapsody works on its own. It’s not really a question of either or, if you’re a fan of that style of RPG, them you already know that you’ll likely enjoy Athenian Rhapsody.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
