I'm going to get torn to pieces for this...

This game is a step in the right direction. I always hated Pokémon as a game, but always wanted to love the series. I love the pokemon mythos, the ambiance, and the character design, but the repetitive gameplay and uninteresting stories (except black and white) meant the only Pokémon game I ever finished was X and Y (because I didn't need to grind XP to beat it).
So when I heard how amazing this game was, I was excited to take a look at it ! My brother, who is a huge pokémon fan, bought it at launch, so I didn't have to buy it myself, which I'm very happy about given that I do not like this game.

It's a real shame, as I was hooked by the game at first. My first 6 hours, I was addicted, thanks to the really good gameplay at hand here. never in a thousand years did I think that I would compliment a Pokémon's gameplay, but I have to say, catching pokémon by sneaking around them is insanely fun and addictive. The fights being so short is also a plus, and the whole ordeal felt dangerous. The fact that pokémon can attack you, and that even a weak pokémon will do a lot of damage if he gets a chance to attack makes the game more interesting strategically speaking. It also really feeds into the idea that pokémon, in these ancient times, are to be feared.
However, once I came out of the second zone, the game just stopped being interesting. The first two zones were great thanks to this amazing basis for a new formula, the mounts were really well executed as you could call them with the press of a button, but I was expecting developments to this formula that never came. If you've played the first zone of this game, you've played everything this game has to offer, and that isn't saying much. In every zone you get in, capture everyting in sight to fill the pokédex, get a new mount, fight the noble pokémon (which is a fun fight, but it's a shame that it's basically the same thing five times) This is a good basis, but it is very far from being enough to fill a whole game, let alone spawn a new subseries. Yeah new mounts are unlocked, allowing you to go on water, fly, and climb. But this does not change the core gameplay loop.
To be fair though, the fights have been made better. Quick and Strong style add an interesting risk/reward mechanic, and having the type advantage doesn't necessarily mean a one-shot anymore (even though you're insured the win).

So the gameplay is pretty good, for its first hours at least, which is the sole reason why this is getting 2 stars.
The story is not interesting in the slightest. Again, there was so much potential, but uninteresting characters whom you'll forget the names of just appearing behind you to tell you that you have to go and beat a noble pokémon isn't an interesting story; It's a shame, as a story about mythological pokémon times, featuring tensions between two clans with a group of strangers coming to explore the land caught in the middle, with the protagonist coming from the sky to spark the fire that is clearly waiting to happen here would've made a fascinating story if oriented towards adults... But pokémon is for children. I get it, of course, but... why give us the interesting premisce of inter-group tensions if it's a game for children ? I will say though, the story does get a bit more somber towards the end, but I stopped playing at that moment, because I did not want to play this game anymore. Basically, for 90% of this game, the story blows a fat one, and, from what I can tell, it picks up at the end, right at the moment where you're completely worn out on the gameplay, and the game tells you you need to keep playing.
The characters are horrible I hate all of them/ am dissapointed that the few ok ones weren't developped more. The pokémon professor is by far the worst.
The music is surprisingly dissapointing.
I won't talk about the technical performances outside of this mention, because I don't like beating dead horses
The landscapes are not very interesting, despite their cool old japanese painting art style. I hope you like flat grassy plains because that's what you're getting (and my favourite game of all-time is Breath of the Wild, which means I love grassy plains, but these ones are just boring. In BOTW, the plains have a volume to them, first because the grass actually looks eralistic as it moves in the wind, but also because the land isn't flat).

This game just isn't the best. Yes there is potential. yes I would take a look at a sequel. But this game is way overhyped. As always, the standard for Pokémon company are insanely low, and anything that clears the bar is considered amazing by desparate fans trying to convince themselves that Pokémon isn't one of the worst video game series on Earth, which is a hell of a shame. The same happens with Call of Duty games, or any EA game for that matter.
Sorry Pokémon fans, hope you don't hate me for saying your favourite franchise sucks. If you want to trigger me in return, tell me that Jedi : Fallen Order is the Pokémon Legends Arceus of Star Wars games and I'll scream and shout and throw a tantrum in the comments.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2022
