Tomb raider one but with awful clunky controls boring game play terrible combat and butt ugly beige graphics.

Honestly how do you make tomb raider one look prettier than a game on the Xbox 360. The failures of this game are really impressive. With ruining some the most iconic moments of video games by having them happen in life less cutscenes with awful quick time events instead of happening naturally in gameplay. Every location is ruined by both the graphics and the platforming being tied to the awful grappling hook
And don’t get me started on the awful boss fights. Yeah not a fan.

Reviewed on May 13, 2022


1 year ago

turning the T-rex fight into a QTE has to be one of the boldest bad decisions a game studio has ever made. total affront to the appeal of the original.

1 year ago

I was actually affronted by that decision have not seen a worse made in any remake of any media ever

1 year ago

also turning the encounter into a "trick the dinosaur into charging a wall" fight. fucking terrible. i haven't even beaten it so i can't imagine how they ruin atlantis.

1 year ago

The whole game lacks so much of the soul of the original. And Atlantis is the peak of that it lost so much of its charm