I have never been so torn on a game before until Yoshi's fucking Crafted World.

On one hand, I love the art direction and how the arts and crafts aesthetic plays into the levels but holy fucking shit the music is god-awful, like why do they play essentially the same shitty track over and over again but make it worse each time???

The gameplay is generally just okay, with the boss fights, especially the final boss, being pretty good. However, as expected the game can get agonisingly easy and extremely boring. I hate that the game forces you to replay levels to progress by making you go back and get more fucking smiley flowers, it just pads out the game and usually makes me appreciate the levels less.

Playing this with my little brother definitely made this a lot more tolerable but man, on a platform with a trillion other better 2D platformers on it there is no need to play this.

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2023
