I logged this a while back, but unexpectedly found myself returning to it. It's been a nice thing to play when my girlfriend's been over, with each round's relatively short length and high drama making it an attractive option. Now that I've secured a few wins, I think I'm really actually done with it.

I wish I liked Fall Guys more, but unfortunately it's too keen to throw boring game-modes at you. The real-ass races and most elimination rounds are where this game is at its best, making good use of its limited controls for high-stakes and hilarious gameplay. Unfortunately, I frequently find myself doing picture memorisation, an otherwise obstacle-less fake-door race, or the rhinos...

The fucking rhinos. On multiple occasions I have seen every player eliminated by those rhinos. That's the three-rhino variant of course; you may get the trivially easy one-rhino variant where no-one ever dies. Why is there not a two-rhino variant which would obviously be better?

And that typifies the problem with Fall Guys. For every enjoyable game mode, there's one that just doesn't work. And we see it not working, it's right there. Everyone can see it not working. And yet it's still in rotation. And oh god, there it is again. Etc.

The devs just need to be brutal with this game and cut the shit that doesn't work. There's far too much of it, and enough stuff that does work that the game needn't worry about a lack of content. I'm mostly having fun when I'm playing this game, but sometimes it's just round after round of pure tedium, and there's really no need for it.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2022
