this game can only be described as an anomaly
right off the bat, we got kirby developers making a tie-in game to a marvel movie, but then we get some of the best pixel art we've seen on the gameboy, a level up mechanic and 3 different gameplay styles. first we get some shooting levels where you can either shoot goons to the left or right of you with a, or you can aim in the background and shoot things in all different places with b. its.... whatever, easily the weakest part about the game. the meat of the game is this 2d sidescroller beatemup, which isnt the most complex, it may not offer much variety, but damn is it satisfying to parry enemies and then do a spinny elbow bash onto their face, stunning them so you can stab their faces with a stake, like going from devil may cry's royal guard, to doom 2016's executions, but you know, before those games were out. only real gripe with these sections is just how easy they can be and how there should have been more enemy types, or at least the enemy types that are there could do more to change up the playstyle. finally theres the bosses. just max out your sword and spam em, theyre easy. you'll tank some damage, but if you know how to block, its not so hard.
honestly one of the best on the gbc. skill issue for anyone else.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
