A short, but fun and emotional puzzle game. Very reminiscent of the Ron Gilbert school of point and click lunacy with a couple of oddball puzzles (One of the first chapters feels like it was ripped straight up from a classic SCUMM style game and it's a fun send-up of the genre.) The game does drag a bit much in the middle when it makes you replay a level you just beat, but now integrating "Modern" Gameplay and design, and while it was cute at first, it definitely wore out it's welcome fast. Still, the game has a really strong emotional core to it that it's able to pull off really well, not to mention that it nails the ending really well and even made me a bit emotional. The game is usually $12, but seems to go on sale pretty consistently, but whether on sale or at full price, it's definitely an experience worth it that I'd still recommend.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2022
