A beautifully crafted love letter to Planescape: Torment.

However its most unique and compelling aspect (its setting) becomes one of its biggest detriments.

(Context: I've ran the Numenera TTRPG for about 4 years over since it was released) Its setting is VAST. Maybe too vast sometimes. And can be an avenue for compelling questions about humanities mark on the well, the grander cosmos and the vastness of history.

However, Numenera is at its best when these aspects loom over your players, just out of view. All the while you're playing a sword and Sorcery game none-the-wiser most of the time.
Unfortunately, Tides of Numenera takes the opposite approach with its story telling and whilst intriguing those looking for a slower burn or more personable story are ganna find the game lacking.

What's here though is great, and how the mechanics of the TTRPG are implimented into the video game are really cool. If you're a fan of Planescape: Torment I highly recommend.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023
