This game will NOT fuel the angry gamer’s rage-o-meter to the point of smashing their controller at the nearest unfortunate wall, not even close. Peach Showtime is not a difficult game, which isn’t bad by default, but you might crave a challenge here and there in the later plays. That said… dude, Peach bakes giant cakes with glee during a zombie-ish apocalypse? She lifts and UFO’s with her bare hands and throws ‘em like dodgeballs? And she has boss battles as a figure skater on ice?? Those are only SOME of the crazy fun scenarios Peach finds herself in at this theatre’s many plays, and there are others I’m actively holding myself back from spoiling to friends who might wanna play this game. It kind of has the spirit and “expect the unexpected” factor of a Kirby game on that front

I’m not sure how much a theoretical second playthrough would be compromised without that initial surprise factor, but at least on a first playthrough, Peach Showtime is very much carried by it’s charm, spectacle and presentation. So much so, I’m still mentally processing that I had more fun in the 2 hours of Peach’s short detective gig, than I had in the 12 hours that Detective Pikachu snatched away from my life. I’m serious—

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2024
