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Metal Slug XX was just kind of a dull disappointment.

The gimmick where the enemies drop a bunch of coins when they die is kind of fun, but it's just about the only really interesting thing the game brings to the table.

In terms of environments many of these levels are either visually plain or bleed into one another. Almost every level is some kind of industrial quarry or mine. There's a water level and some nice snowy areas near the end, but the locales are generally bland.

I would generally hope that a non-arcade Metal Slug game would take some steps to be more forgiving, since there's no reason for this thing to try to eat quarters you can't give it, but that's not what happened here. Metal Slug XX has some of the most hectic and overwhelming enemy placements I've seen in one of these games.

It's just another Metal Slug game. That's it. No reason to play it instead of X or 3.