Nostalgia is the only thing that keeps me bringing back on League. Everything went downhill at S6 or so not sure. Before, you can play with other people around you. Sad to say that some of them are not playing anymore or they've quitted already because of some circumstances. Back then, even if you're playing rank whether flex or duo, even if you lose, its fun. Comparing it to now, you will just receive a lot of question mark pings coming from your own team. They will just continue to flame you. Maybe only 5% of my games aren't like that but still, that's not a good percentage. The game is also broken as hell. Some champs are outdated and some champs promise that they will get rework but ehem.... udyr??? wheres the fcking udyr rework?? It's been 2 years already. Yet you were able to create a new FPS game and a Netflix series??? Focus on your main game first before anything else.

All I can say is that this game is good for past time or if you're not doing anything just to enjoy for a while and also Nostalgia. That's all.

Reviewed on May 05, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

They'll either get a rework really right or horrendously wrong. Look how they killed my boy Aatrox.