Soul Blazer is a serviceable action RPG in the same vein as The Legend of Zelda, with elements of ActRaiser sprinkled in for good measure (not surprising, as it was made by the same people).

You may be wondering why I've given it a 10 out of 10 rating, and why it shows up on my profile with the Gold Star.

I'm biased, because it's one of the games that I grew up playing on original hardware decades ago. As a result, it's my favorite game ever made.

Doesn't matter what faults it may or may not have, what could have been done better, and so on. This is THAT game for me; the game that made me a gamer in my youth, and ensured that I'm still playing games all these years later.

I love Soul Blazer, and I always will.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2022
