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I honestly was not sure what exactly to expect from this game after hearing/seeing so much of it from friends.
At the beginning of my exposure to it, I was being narrow-minded, not planning on playing it because the art is clearly amateurish and I'm also not a fan of Dark Souls.

Guess what, I'm glad I decided to try it! This is a fantastic game. It's admittedly quite rough around the edges and the translation ranges from iffy to plain bad (to the extent that it probably dampened my experience some), but it has lots of charm and heart to it.
A cool take on western fairy tales with some extra fucked-up sprinkled in. Playing the game itself is a blast, I always found it really hard to put down. It's fast-paced and doesn't waste your time at all.
This game is very underrated and will stay that way (unfortunately), but those of us who decided to play it know what a fun time it is.

If BS2 is better like I keep hearing, then I can't wait to try it in the near future.