The end of Kiryu's saga, part 2, revengeance. (until Y8, oh boy here we go again)
Lots of mixed feelings on this one, mostly negative but some strong positives.
The ending broke me, I got choked up. Some incredible voice acting from Kuroda Takaya, maybe his best performance as Kiryu. That, and the final fight (absolutely contrived as it was) was awesome. Fun and satisfying fight choreography.

The Agent style (spiderman mode) is a cool concept but it just doesn't mesh with Kiryu's fighting style and feels out of place and hamfisted in. The drones are awful, firefly isn't practical, and the grapple doesn't work on bosses. (but crowd control is admittedly fun with it sometimes)
I seem to be in the minority for some reason but I did love the jet boots, as dumb as it is. I would constantly use it on big crowds, it's hilarious and works really well to cull the herds.

This being basically a tie-in game, the addition of forced side content is at its most obvious. Akame is great, I kinda love her as a character, but her patrol missions are SO lame, and the official requests are an absolute snoozefest; they all felt like recycled content. And you sometimes are forced to do this side content. Normally this wouldn't bother me since I like to do side quests in games, but these just weren't it.

The Castle is wholly unnecessary and is pretty much a huge gambling den (and arena) that they tried to implement into the story but...why?
Speaking of the story, I won't get into it because I just don't care at this point, but as I mentioned, the ending was really good.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2024
