TL;DR, if you like cute anime girls and/or Atelier games, play this right now.

I fancy myself quite the connoisseur on cute stuff. And holy shit, this is one of the CUTEST games I've ever seen. I've seen a lot.
Everything about this game is so pleasant, endearing, charming, etc.
I was immediately intrigued upon starting because of the similarity to Atelier games, and I hate to say this as a huge Atelier fan but I enjoyed this more than most of them.

The combat is intuitive and easy to understand. It's fast, flashy, and punchy; could not get enough of it. The pets you can collect and use in battle give some cool variety.
You can choose to use melee or magic, and can even switch weapons mid-battle (something I did not realize until well over halfway through) which is never necessary but I always like it.
The combat does get really easy the more you play though. Not much of a detriment for me, but switching difficulty probably solves that.

The exploration was a bit unexpected. The first hour or 2 of the game kind of deceives you about the actual scale of the game world.
Eventually you leave the secluded forest Pieberry has lived all her life, and suddenly there's a whole world to explore. This almost comes off as risky on the development side, but it works great.

The story is good. It's no literary masterpiece, but if you're like me, you probably don't play stuff like this for the story.
But hey it's actually pretty good! I enjoyed it quite a bit.
It's told in a way that's not intrusive to your progress; it doesn't like to waste your time, etc.

I feel like I just ramble when I do reviews like this, so I'll stop before I go on for an hour. I love this game.
Pieberry and Luna's friendship is everything. My heart.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
