Weirdly, I don't think I enjoyed it as much as Marie and Elie.
Maybe because I was tired of the formula, as it's fundamentally the exact same game all 3 times. I was hoping for a bigger change for a new console.
I also really dislike the blend and rough alchemy systems - there's a lot of trial and error unless you look up exactly how to make a certain item.
Like Marie and Elie, some events are extremely missable unless you're lucky or know what you're doing, so I ended up not seeing most things.
What I do like about the game is, as always, the overall simplicity and casual air it has. The music is fun too, the characters are endearing enough, and the art is great.

I wouldn't recommend this to someone unless they're a die-hard Atelier fan like me, or you want to "experience history".
I'm looking forward to trying Judie next, whenever that will be, and hopefully they made some changes.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023
