This game could be so much more. Fantastic graphics and visual presentation, killer soundtrack but with not enough variations of the battle themes that will make you crazy after hearing it for the 1000th time. There's something for completionists here, but take care.

Loved hearing the japanese voices of the characters tho.

Almost 50h later, i stand here trapped in a calm sea of endless grinding and you know what? I'm loving it! I mean, the things i said before this edit are still somehow valid to account for. The game is an ode for classic era rpg all right, but it's entirely built around grinding. Don't get me wrong, the individual chapters are the most cliche-anime that they can be, but just like Live a Live, there's some sasuga moments that leaves you just ready to wreck some crazy boss fight with your most broken skills and spells and that's something that happen very often.
This game would work wonders as a tv show.

I must elaborate further though. While i was bored after reaching all cast chapter 2 — and that was quite soon in-game — i've managed to optimize my party members with secondary jobs, found EX Skills while exploring tha map, even some badass looking weapons with broken stats that managed to carry my travelers thoughout the mid section of the game.

Now that i've finished most of the exploring, the game left me feeling a little bored, there is many secret challenges ahead, towards the true ending and all, but it keeps me wondering, is it worth it? Playing this game for days straight was worth something for me, but i just can't seem to lose this bad taste that i'm playing a sandbox rpg with no soul.

The game is filled to the brimm with beautiful pixel characters, that 16bit nostalgia drive but at the same time we're trapped in this world where there's no true emotional bond between the characters, we get travel banter in the form of a notification on the top of the screen and cross-stories that are just anime filler episodes. The grand scheme of things is somehow linked to every protagonist of the game but there's a lot of room to improve.

This game lacks the drive of the characters of Chrono Trigger, a goal and that teamwork banter that also exists in their individual stories. It feels really strange that character chapters are written like this. I'm keeping the 2,5 stars but i'm also warning you that there is fun here and you should check it out.

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2023
