not a fan of this kind of game but i got it in some shitty bundle i guess, so here's far more words than it could ever deserve

even if i did like this kind of game it's obviously very cheaply - albeit competently - made, with the most boring kind of presentation

but what i really dislike about it is that it has levels, but after you get deep enough, it starts making one of the key mechanics (lucid blocks, used to reset the board) rarer and rarer, which takes control away from you, the player, and gives it to rng, the computer, in a very adversarial and frustrating manner... you go very quickly from being the one who makes mistakes to being the one who suffers bad luck

compare that to tetris, obviously one of the better puzzle games out there, where even tho there's a random element to it, i.e., which tetromino you get next, you're still largely in control of how the game flows, because you get to place it where you want, instead of the board just decided to fuck you over by covering that tall single empty column you've been working on

it sucks

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2024
