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Time Played

3h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 28, 2021

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"A Fun Runner-Game With A Very Strange Art Style"

Action Henk is a runner-game where you play as Action Henk, a super fast superhero-action figure who is far past his days of glory. However, he still has the chance to prove he is the most athletic toy around, and looks to prove himself across multiple levels while facing friend and foe alike!

The gameplay revolves around running around a course and doing tricks in order to reach the end of the track as fast as possible. It reminded me a bit of the Trials series or a game like BIT.TRIP RUNNER , although this game does have its own style and charm that separates itself from the those titles. There are a few different characters that mostly serve as re-skins for Henk, and they are unlockable through the many challenges the game has to offer. There are a good amount of levels to keep the environments interesting, and you spend your time racing around the cluttered room of a child or through environments like tropical islands and fiery volcano eruptions.

With that being said, it all does get a bit repetitive, so its more of a type of game where you play it in small sessions. The movement feels pretty smooth, but once you get settled in with the game there are plenty of moments of frustration from not being able to time a jump or slide correctly. On some levels, the game requires you to make some blind jumps which will likely result in huge setback in time for players who get caught off-guard. These moments definitely hold the game back from being more accessible in some ways.
There is a good amount of content, but after a few hours of playing there is little growth in gameplay other than the increase of difficulty of tracks. If you aren't the type of person who likes to be a perfectionist and achieve the best medal possible, you may find yourself a bit bored. There aren't an "incredible" amount of tracks, thought they are pretty creative in their own right. On the plus side, there is workshop support and free content provided by the developer, something that will always 'butter my biscuit" at the end of the day.

I would Recommend this game to anyone looking for a fun platformer/runner game, with a good amount of levels and an addicting yet occasionally repetitive gameplay loop. It has some frustrating moments that require insane skill and knowledge of the maps, which may prove a bit annoying for those who aren't obsessed with perfecting their times or may lack some of the reflexes for more demanding obstacles. Additionally, the gameplay can stagnate a bit throughout its campaign, so players may find themselves bored after a few hours unless they play some experimental levels that are offered through the workshop.

Final Verdict: 6/10 (Above Average)