Shatter 2009

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 15, 2021

Platforms Played


"Brickbreaker Without A Compelling Twist"

"Shatter" is a brickbreaker/breakout game that involves manipulating gravity in order to push or pull the ball towards the paddle. There are some light upgrades to get along the way, but the game mostly centers around the gravity manipulation. There are boss battles as well which break up the pace, but mostly serve as strange puzzles more than a traditional fight.

The soundtrack is solid enough, but the art style is a bit too distracting for me. Textures blend in and out of the screen, and while it fits the aesthetic, it doesn't lead to much visual clarity. There is a decent amount of color, but the futuristic style leaves something to be desired. There is pretty much no story besides the fact that you are a paddle that broke out of a containment protocol, which is honestly pretty drab and not really needed.

I didn't really enjoy the gravity gameplay this game focused on. The physics felt really wonky and the impact of the ball was underwhelming no matter the speed it was traveling. It became pretty slow paced at times due to trying to maneuver the ball to hit a mobile object, and the upgrades system felt forced in and generic.

Bos battles were also disappointing. While better than the round to round breakout gameplay, these battles leaned a bit too far in the direction of "puzzle" rather than "boss fight". The same issues of proper gravity gameplay popped up during these sections, and took away from the enjoyable aesthetic these bosses carried with them.

The game also doesn't really evolve much after the first level set. There are no new upgrades or real challenges to face with gravity, just new bosses occasionally and levels that slightly remixed where bricks were placed. The game got boring really fast, and left much to be desired.

Overall, I would Not Recommend picking up this one. The breakout gameplay is pretty boring and the gravity angle and upgrades do little to shake things up. The boss battles are by far the coolest part, but are ruined with the emphasis of using the poor core mechanics to complete puzzles rather than actually "fight" them. There is no story and the sound design, while great itself, is held back by other artistic choices which clutter up the screen. Overall, this is just a generic brickbreaker with a messy coat of paint on top and a few boring toys thrown in, and most people should pass on trying this one out.

Final Verdict: 4/10 (Below Average)