Wow, this is an odd one, especially for someone who actually enjoys FFXII.
The vibe in Revenant Wings is very different. It's rather your typical JRPG than the political intrigue Matsuno usually comes up with when he creates an Ivalice game, making Vaan even more front and center of the focus. I'm not too fond of the new cast, but I liked the focus on the sky pirate shenanigans and some of the moments were genuinely good.
It's kinda weird how this game is an RTS and the basics are really good actually, it's just a shame that the DS leaves some handy things criminally absent like custom party hotkeys or just double clicking a certain unit to control all of them simultaneously. Also the clicking on certain units (either your own party or the enemies) can be rather finicky.
I do appreciate however that this game extends on the lore and even though the music is re-used from FFXII it's actually impressive that it sounds so good on the DS. The difficulty and some of the matches could be really unfair or frustrating at times, so I actually shifted to watching the rest on YouTube halfway through.

I'm probably not gonna replay this one, even though it's an interesting idea and there is a lot to like here. If you're better at RTS than me or just have a better hand with touch controls the gameplay might actually be a positive in your book.

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
