After Epic Games gifted this game and brought it to my attention, I decided to buy it because I'm that petty towards EGS.
That said, I was very interested in the art style and the premise of this game, I was in the mood for a Journey-like relaxing adventure game, where exploration, music, puzzles, and the world are the highlight, and that is exactly what I got.
Compared to a title like the First Tree, this game's approach to world, puzzle, and story design are completely different and I would argue better without discrediting the other title. Although it's still possible to see the indie-ness, especially in the re-usage of the assets, the game is a wonderful short adventure with cute puzzles and a nice world to explore.
The soundtrack is beautiful, although there are not a lot of tracks, and can start being a bit repetitive with time compared to other titles of the genre, still features very enjoyable tracks.
I strongly suggest it to all who want a relaxing adventure in a game that does only that, but well.
Definitely worth it, here or on EGS, doesn't matter. Play it, because it's definitely worth your time!

Reviewed on May 01, 2024
