Really makes you FEEL like Slugcat.

Endlessly gorgeous in its world design, refreshingly subtle and minimalist, and one of the most effective tone-pieces and uncompromising gaming experiences out there. Every element combines in a masterful display of how unconventional, inconvenient game mechanics can bring greater purpose to the player experience without sacrificing thematic resonance in its Buddhist-inspired circle of life philosophy, providing further context for its harsh, challenging world and uniquely animalistic mindset required to survive. Frustrating? Yes, but, while I might be insane, I found it fun more often than not, with a rewarding sense of exploration and movement detailed enough to provide continual mastery of your slugcat’s many abilities, a huge, varied world that always feels fresh and exciting to traverse, and for being a 2D Metroid-like that doesn't half-ass its warping system, finally.

Rain World is the best game I've ever played that I can't recommend, as it is so bold in its vision of game design as a form of artistic expression that it won't hesitate to crush you with that vision. I know, for me, the feeling of being in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by predators, and happening upon a shelter at the end of a long hallway while I hear the frightening rumbling of the oncoming downpour is something I won't soon forget, and exemplifies the magic needed of esoteric games like these.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2022
