Played: Since 2019 | Reviewed: February 2023

Akane fucking rules. Pure high-score-grubbing arcade rush.

Remember when we all learned the term Skinner Box to describe empty feedback loops? Once I set down my cynicism and stopped over-intellectualizing my experience with this game, I realized how good it's been to have in my life.

There's nothing more to Akane than being thrown into an arena and mowing down enemies. All life is subject to a one-hit kill, including yours. You're armed with a katana that you can swing to your stamina's content, your choice of 1 of 6 unlockable guns, and a couple of special moves. However you wish to play, every single press of the button and its corresponding animation and sound effect is satisfying to the gut. The WHOOSH of the sword slicing a rando in half. The BOOM of the laser gun one-shotting an enemy heavy after blasting through 10 guys in a row. The SHING-SHING-SHING of parrying a set of 3 enemy bullets as you run towards the shooter. Goddamn, it all feels good. The story is just a quick table set to let you know you're on a revenge mission, and after you get your ass kicked the 12th time, you'll very much be on one yourself. It works. The missing half-star is reserved for only the most special of perfect experiences, but don't hold that against Akane.

Having such a reliable test of concentration at the ready on my Switch has been an improvement to my recent days. I never fail to slip past the cartoonish bloodshed and right into a zen flow state every session. Akane is a treat that is equal parts serotonin hit and sense of accomplishment to pick me up throughout the day.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023
