Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 4, 2022

First played

December 3, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Took a little break from editing the Covenant video and have been in the mood for a Far Cry game so booted up Blood Dragon cause I've never played it and I've now owned it for years at this point.

I don't really see what others see in this to be completely honest. The jokes didn't really land for me at all, the aesthetic is cool but honestly this is just such a slog of an experience. I think if the writing wasn't dipped in such a boring 2013 era 80's "reverential" irony quoting 2008 memes and refusing to shut the fuck up to let the few kinda funny quips at least sit with you I think this could've maybe worked. But as is it's just annoying.

Michael Biehn's performance is kinda fun but it sounds like he's drunkedly sleepwalking through this entire thing which does at least lend itself as a little funny to some of the jokes/quips presented.

The fairly boring gameplay loop doesn't help at all with little enemy variety and guns that feel like shit due to the enemies all feeling like massive bullet sponges until you get the chain gun.

I couldn't even fully enjoy the final setpiece all that much, though it was the best part of the game, because the game was just smugly being ironic about how stupid it was being instead of just being stupid and endearing first and quitting the constant camera winking it couldn't stop itself from doing.

Instead of playing this I'd just recommend going and watching some actual goofy ass 80's films or something for 4 hours. You'll probably have a better time with that but people seem to love the shit out of this so who knows. If you're anything like me you'll probably have more fun watching the American Ninja films instead of wasting time on this.