Decided to pick this back up and finish it today.

This is a pretty good restoration of that classic THPS experience. But a weird thing happened for me. As I continued on, as I kept playing, as I finished up the parks and finished all the goals, I fucked with the mechanics but I felt no motivation to get better or improve. I didn't really feel anything major towards continuing to play this one. The constant XP dripfeed and unlock system didn't hit the same way unlocks in the original games felt. It didn't feel like I was growing and unlocking things in fun ways, it felt like I was checkboxing shit off.

Yeah in the old games you did that but it just kind hits different in THPS3 for me. Here the flawed design of some of the maps and goals from the original games aren't really altered or made better. The tech from the later games makes it much more fun to go through but something is missing from the experience. I do think that if they were allowed to continue making these games and could keep developing the franchise back out I think they would've hit their stride because this is a really good start. But I genuinely wonder what their potential remake of 3 would've been like.

Oh also that I don't really love the physics in this. Something about it feels weirdly floaty and not as hefty as like 3 or AW/UG to me.

Glad I played it, had a fun time, but honestly I probably won't come back to this.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2022
