I fell in love with this game as soon as I saw it being displayed in a Toys "R" Us around the year 2000. A constant desire to reclaim a Dreamcast copy of this game is ever present in my consciousness. As soon as you get to the main menu, Jet Set Radio is boiling over with style. The character designs are S-Tier. The music selection is excellent and the original compositions by Hideki Naganuma and others have been stuck in my head since I first laid ears on this game. There really isn't a game quite like this one. Even the sequel has a completely different dynamic due to the open world-ish nature of that game and the removal of the spraying minigame. One of the few downsides to the game is that the controls have aged and arguably, weren't stellar to begin with. There is a learning curve that can lead to some level of mastery, though. I speedrun this game, so I'm a bit biased. These spraying teens feel like speedy tanks. Once you get some speed, none of the enemies in the game can catch up. You'll only feel them on your heels when you have to plant your feet to tag a medium or large wall. Running from the cops/corpos and doing property damage has never been so fun.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2023
