Hakai-hen was fucking magical. When it was first revealed in those Famitsu scans way back then that roster, those debuts just seemed way too fucking good to be true. They basically just dropped a huge bombshell with every single major show from the past decade AND a majority of the cast from the first game returning too. Funnily enough, it's only when said ZEUTH returners come back midway through the game does the game start wear out its luster, and Saisei-hen only makes the bloat more apparent.

That being said, the ZEXIS half of Hakai-hen is still just really fucking good - we are never going to experience the debuts of big names like 00, Geass, TTGL, VOTOMS and motherfucking DAI-GUARD (the greatest anime of all time) ever again. The animations are the best mainline SRW has ever had, too. The only bad things I can really say about it is the fact that we went from full busts and an isometric map we've come to expect from mainline entries to the boxed portraits and a 2d grid like the portables. Still fucking good though and it's a shame Saisei dropped the ball.

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2020
