Visually, Aesthetically and Audibly this game is amazing. The levels look a bit washed of colour but then you have levels like Night Palace which look great. The whole games aesthetic of the Arabian Nights is very cool and all the levels theming is very good. The OST is amazing and is comprised of mostly vocal tracks which sometimes can get drowned out by ingame noises, but all the tracks are still great, although you do start to get sick of Seven Rings in Hand.

The gameplay on the other hand...This game has some of the worst controls in any videogame I've ever played, going backwards is a chore. Sometimes enemies just appear and blindside you, and the bosses are annoying since they don't explain enough about them so you know how to defeat them. There are certain missions that are fun and the game does get better to control while leveling up Sonic, but the game should control well from the start. Bad gameplay, but at least everything else surrounding it is incredibly good


Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
