It’s hard to believe I complained so much about the problems the Spider-Man 2 movie game had after playing this…

This is next level BAD. I was upset with the last game for underutilizing the incredible music, but compared to this game that felt like a goddamn concert. Why is it so quiet and awkward when swinging around?!

Speaking of swinging around, I’m glad they kept SOME of what worked about the second games swinging. You can tell there were things they ditched altogether though, and not for the better.

One thing the second game really nailed to make the play through experience more FUN was it’s inclusion of web tricks. This game completely abandons that. In fact, this game completely abandons 75% of what made Spider-Man 2 so much fun.

Instead we’re treated to more bland visuals that are some how worse than the last game, a mind numbingly terrible translation of an already convoluted story, hysterically bad dialogue, a boring and clunky combat system, and repetitive, monotonous side tasks that take up more than 50% of the entire game (I wish I were kidding)!

I find it incredible just how far from Grace this series fell. Can’t wait to play Ultimate Spider-Man because it’ll be such a good pallet cleanser after finishing this putrid pile of shit.

Now, to end this on a lighter note, here’s a hilarious dialogue exchange between Peter and MJ towards the end of the game:

What’s wrong? You haven’t said a single word all night.

I figured you were talking enough for the both of us.

Peter, what’s gotten into you lately?

Nothing that stopping your gums from flapping wouldn’t solve!

… I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2022
