Turnip Boy is an easy 1000G if you're a gamerscore Hunter with Game Pass, and that alone will be enough to convince some folk to play it.

If you're not a big achievement Hunter though, it's absolutely worth the sub-5 hour playtime and has a nice take on dungeon crawling and a very 2D Zelda style of level design, which is always a nice thing to see.

The memes and the general sense of humour probably aren't for everybody, especially if you have a low tolerance for pop-culture references. The entire climax of the game is a parody of a super robot anime and while I appreciated it, I can very easily see other people rolling their eyes at it.

Another game that I consider a good "pitch" for Game Pass, because I'd certainly have never tried it if it weren't on the service, and now I have, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2022
