In the 21st century, you're going to end up with one of two mindsets when you play through Dragon's Lair; either it's an antiquated fossil of a game that's as advanced as a bonus feature off a Harry Potter DVD and you'd much rather watch someone else's playthrough on Youtube, or the interactive 80's animated movie feel of the game kind of makes playing through this game (and dying many, many times) honestly kinda charming and you kinda don't care that the game is one giant QTE because you end up losing yourself in the game's general "groove".

I fell under the latter camp. I will admit that I probably would be a lot less kinder to this game if I was actually playing the original coin-consuming 1983 Arcade version rather than the Switch port collection that helpfully allows you to restart as many times as you want and has an on-screen button guide so the game isn't as ridiculously obtuse, but I'm glad time has been kind to Dragon's Lair and that they've now released a version where the picture is so crystal clear that you can practically see the animation cels' imperfections. Perhaps one day I'll pop off the training wheels and actually play Dragon's Lair "the way it was intended to be played" but for now, I'm glad to have finally experienced this piece of gaming history, even if I know that it's not that meaty of an actual game and that most of the game's charm comes from the Don Bluth animation.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2021
