It's hard to review this one. Every single aspect of this game has both awesome and abysmal aspects to it. For example:

Level design can be absolutely stunning but can also be infuriatingly poorly designed.

Controls are fluid and allow for a lot of traversal options that the player can use to navigate huba areas or levels how they want and explore pretty much anywhere they want--but many of these areas and levels are shockingly bad at accomodating this.

The story is surprisingly deep and ambitious, and the asymetrical method of telling it arguably makes it more interesting as you don't fully understand why things are happening until you've seen it from the perspective of another character. But man, the writing in this game is bad to a point that it can't just be a poor translation.

Despite all of this, I had a moderately good experience finishing all the character stories (even Big, who I figured out through a guide and found fairly easy afterwards). But man, without nostalgia, I probably wouldn't have finished this.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2024
