Log Status






Time Played

7h 48m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 26, 2024

First played

April 22, 2024

Platforms Played


Pesudoregalia was a very short game, but the mechanical intricacies of each power up made platforming around its castle setting awesome! Its art direction, while slightly disjointed still comes together into a coherent unit that enhances gameplay. If the gameplay wasn't so strong it's possible the rest of Pseudoregalia would fall apart. Its art combines fantasy, shown in its environment - the castle setting - with a UI inspired by 1920s art deco. It's gorgeous, but I didn't catch much art deco inspiration around the game's setting to tie the two together.

The semblance of a story this game has buried behind the aforementioned confused me a bit. I'm uncertain of what Pseudoregalia had to say. It's not a case where the game doesn't have a story, or it's there solely to facilitate gameplay, there is a story there. It's purposefully vague and doesn't give much info outside of beginning dialogue and the ending, which doesn't feel like enough to extrapolate.

I would more than likely have to replay the game to find the whys of the story and the whys of the art direction. With its short length, and its stellar gameplay, it is going to be a treat!