After having MSR in my backlog for the past 6 years I am abandoning (first time) the game after getting about halfway through (end of area 5)

The puzzles in MSR are remembering the sole function of each of your items. So, I’d argue that there are no puzzles in MSR. I argue that they’re closer to mini tutorials dispersed throughout the game’s world; padding playtime and making the MSR a more tedious experience.

The platforming is simple, and the “puzzles” faults have been discussed. The combat is so centered around the very overtuned counter mechanic; so every encounter with an enemy should always involve you waiting and countering the enemy’s attack.
So, traversing the world is a series of: easy platforming, finding a “puzzle”, doing its solution for ~1min, and encountering-I mean countering the enemies you encounter.

The Gameplay Loop:
The gameplay loop (that continues at least all the way through area 5) of finding metroids and battling them, at this point might sound awful. Well, it is and it’s all you do. Nothing else to discover other than upgrades to your missiles and energy tanks, which you may not want to discover due to the many problems discussed with traversing.

After any thought of what you’re doing while playing the game, it is apparent that Samus Returns should have stayed on the gameboy, and MercurySteam should have been tasked with making a new Metroid without the tedium of gameboy games from the early 90s.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024
