Continuing my ineffable quest through Vana'diel, this time with the first major expansion Rise of the Zilart.

It's good! Story-wise, XI finally is starting to unveil its deeper lore to pretty impressive effect, as well as try to branch out more in terms of cutscene composition. It's still pretty basic, as final fantasy plots go, but basic is good.

Gameplay-wise, the quests this time around are still quite fetchy, but i've found them way WAY less annoying this time around, and I guess caring more about the plot helps too. But I was happy to see there was no "mission 4" fiasco this time around, I can only handle Castle Oztroja so many times before fucking evaporating haha...
I've also started getting more accustomed to the combat and skillchains and such. It still feels like my trusts are doing the bulk of the work (and they are) but sometimes i do big numbers and it feels nice :D

But yeah, Zilart was a nice surprise overall. I wasn't expecting anything in particular, and I got a few neat things and I liked it! Very excited for Chains of Promathia now, definitely one of my most anticipated expansions in this game, we'll see how it treats me.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2022
