One of the biggest nosedives in quality in the second half of a sonic game maybe??? Even though Lost World takes away with the extravagant artsyle and ludicrous boost gameplay of the previous games, I think there IS enough polish in the first few worlds to still be pleased, but as soon as Frozen Factory hits, it is blunder after blunder. Mechanics stop being fun, frustration goes rampant, Sky Road is a Windy Hill reskin and Lava Mountain is just a boss gauntlet. Sigh.

There's a lot that goes unappreciated in this game sometimes. The soundtrack is severly underrated, the quality of the animations is pretty impressive, and there is real, genuine effort to give every stage something new and exciting to play with (Colors could really take notes on this apartment) but all of this is admitedly wasted on fairly unintuitive controls, really lame boss fights, and a staggering amount of levels that I could do without.

It is not the worst offence in the world, even less so 11 years later, but it is most certainly not very fun. 5.5/10. Also what the hell is going on with the trophies guys, not that I wanted to do them but this is insane.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
