One of the few dedicated GT video games, and DB games made in America as a whole (even using the dub intro music for its title screen), Transformations is just an alright beat em' up. The game graphically looks really nice, and the player character list in the secondary free play mode is cool.

Unfortunately, the controls are way too simple. I get the gameboy advance has 10 buttons max, but punching with one button and no block just isn't very fun to do. But the controls feel so sluggish and delayed, it's impossible to dodge certain enemies without just abusing your ki meter and making most fights trivial anyways. Bosses are often easier than most of the later stage enemies. A lack of a quick block button makes the harder difficulties a chore.

Another problem is grinding to unlock all the extra characters. I'm lucky, my copy is used and has everyone sans SSJ4 Goku and Baby Vegeta, but I imagine unlocking them took hours, on top of the repetitive nature of this type of games.

Also, as someone who hasn't watched more than a few clips and episodes of GT, the whole thing can kinda feel like a weird bootleg with unrelated assets (I'm sure this all feels fine to someone who has actually watched GT)

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
