Alright. So I gave up playing this game after 25 hours. Why? I do think it's really good but merely good is not enough for me to keep playing for an additional 30 hours to reach the end.

What I liked? The combat is snappy and satisfying. Breaking enemies' shields by using various attack types adds a minor layer of strategy that makes the combat feel like more than mindlessly taking turns hitting each other. I did enjoy some of the set ups for the character's stories and I liked the trajectory of those stories even if they are a little too anime.

What caused me to stop playing? Well, it's a damn long game and I'm not the type to feel necessitated to "finish what I started." Furthermore the stories, while their premises are good, are a little too anime. What do I mean? I mean the antagonists are laughably evil. Cartoonishly evil. Also, because the game has to tell 8 stories none of them feel as fleshed out as I would like. For example a minor character had a complete 180 in personality that felt incredibly underbaked. I literally laughed. At it. Not with it. And frankly I'd prefer 4 stories as opposed to 8 if it meant they could be fleshed out more. I'd choose Temenos, Throne, Hikari, and Oswald.

All that being said there is still a lot to like here and I sometimes feel the pull to see Temenos' and Throne's stories through to the end. I simply don't think it is worth the time investment to play. So maybe I'll youtube them.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2023
